European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
ESFRI are establishing pan-European structures to drive innovation by providing the resources, technologies and services as the basic tools necessary to underpin research. Having launched 13 research infrastructures in the biological and medical science area, Europe is laying down the foundation for a major push to harness biodiversity for the bioeconomy. The ESFRI strategy aims at overcoming the limits due to fragmentation of individual policies and provides Europe with the most up-to-date Research Infrastructures (RI), responding to rapidly evolving Science, advancing knowledge-based technologies and their extended use.
ESFRI - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
Each RI is designed to deliver scientific and technological cutting edge and managerial excellence in research, education and technology and provide clear pan-European added value. They offer unique research services to users from different countries, attract young people to science, and help to shape scientific communities. RIs are at the centre of the knowledge triangle of research, education and innovation, producing knowledge through research, diffusing it through education, and applying it through innovation.